
Happy 1st Birthday Briton!

My Sweetest Briton – you are now one year old. It seems like only yesterday that I was holding you in my arms at the hospital. That was one of the happiest days of my life, and since then you have made every day a happy one! You my little guy, made me a mommy – and that is by far the biggest gift that God has entrusted me with.

This past year, we have shared many hugs, kisses, laughs, lessons and worries. You have gone from a little infant that depended completely on your daddy and I, to a little boy who is exploring the world all on his own. You love to walk (sometimes run) everywhere, you dance whenever you hear music, you love anything with wheels (cars, trucks, trains), you play with my pots and pans all the time, you blow kisses, clap your hands , make the silliest faces, and you have a smile that can light up a room!

Briton - you have taught me how to be stronger, more patient, be less selfish, laugh more, love deeper than I ever thought possible and pray harder. You’ve opened my eyes to what pure joy really looks like. And for that I thank you!

Your daddy and I will keep on teaching you about Jesus, about life, about love and about hardships. We will always guide you. However, the rest is in God’s hands. So my prayer is that he blesses you with the wisdom to make the right choices; the courage to stand up for what you believe; a love that will pour out on everyone you meet; joy that overwhelms you, and a faith that moves mountains.
And Don’t You Ever Forget…..How much I love you!

Below are some pictures of your birthday party! You had such a fun time and lots of family and friends came to help you celebrate! 

We also got Briton's one year old pictures taken a few weeks ago, so here are some of our favorite shots. Thanks Jennie Krueger for doing such a great job!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! Congrats on surviving the first year! Looks like a fun time!
