

Well….the time has come! We are officially done attending/working/volunteering at Christ Community Church! I am very sad to be leaving CCC, and if I am sad, I can only imagine what Alex must be feeling. But I know we will make it through, we always do! We love CCC and all the relationships we have made, but it is time to move on and start the next chapter in our lives.

The past couple of weeks have been spent wrapping up with our high school Journey Groups, Alex cleaning out his office and saying good-bye to co-workers, and attending some end of the year celebrations!

Last week we had our last high school Journey Groups for the year. We celebrated at the Lodhia house with lots of yummy food and getting together in our groups one last time. It has been a great three years with my little girlies, and I am sad I won’t get to be their leader for their senior year! Alex and I have made some lasting friendships with some of the high school students at CCC and we know that we will continue to stay close with a lot of them! Below are some pictures of the last night at the Lodhia House!

What Alex and I came out to when the night was over!

 This past Sunday night we had our Journey Group Finale. All the students and leaders got together to eat some food, play some dodge ball, and just celebrate the school year! It was great to see everyone together one last time. The students put a little good-bye video together for Alex, which was very sweet and very funny. I'm not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed a couple times in the night! Here are some of the pictures of our night!

Just Playing a little Dodge Ball!

It has been amazing to be a part of the high school ministry at Christ Community Church these past three years. We have learned so much and have been blessed to be able to participate in so many great activities that we never would have if we weren't a part of this ministry! I guess the good thing about Alex taking another job and leaving CCC is that we will still be in Omaha, so the relationships we have built, won't be lost! So....Goodbye CCC and hello Faith Westwood!

To quote my wonderful husband Alex, "...When you work for God and His Church, no matter where you go, you will always have the same boss and will always have the mission."


Hot Now

So…when Alex and I first started dating, we were driving by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts one night and the sign said “Hot Now.” For those of you that don’t know, that sign rarely says “Hot Now,” unless you are up at 5:00am every morning! So, of course that night we had to stop and get ourselves some hot doughnuts. From that night on, we made a pact that any time we drove by Krispy Kreme and the sign said, “Hot Now” we would stop.

Well, to our surprise, on Friday night when we were on our way home from dinner, those two, bright red, three letter words were shining our way! 

Now you may be thinking, “What a bunch of doughnut freaks!” I’d probably be thinking that myself, but in the four years that Alex and I have been together, that sign has only said, “Hot Now” two times. It is just one of those things that rarely happens, but when it does, we must stop!

On Saturday, we woke up and decided to go on a nice, long bike ride. It was really nice out and a great way to burn off the yummy doughnuts we had the night before! We are really starting to get into biking. It is a lot of fun and something we can enjoy together!



Easter 2012

We had a jammed packed Easter weekend. I felt like it was go-go-go! Although busy, it was great to get to see a bunch of our family.

On Friday we drove up to South Sioux City to see the Pfister family! I love going home and spending time with my family. Some of the fun things we did included: Chick-fil-a for lunch, spending time with my bestie Kasey, her husband, and their handsome little boy Cael, playing with our nephew and niece, coloring Easter eggs, attending an Easter egg hunt, eating some yummy brisket, and some intense games of knock-out with my brothers (Alex only). We were there until Saturday night and then drove back to Omaha so Alex could work in the morning!

On Sunday we got up nice and early because we had to greet at church. The service was great and I can never say enough how truly blessed I am to have a Risen Savior!

After church we had the Ehly family Easter. We all got together and ate way too much, and then the kids had a little Easter egg hunt. Alex’s grandpa is in town from Scottsbluff, so it was great to get to celebrate with him.

Such a great weekend…..We are so blessed!