
Scott, Scotty's and Scottsbluff!!!

The past few months we have been trying to find the perfect time to make the trip to Scottsblulff, NE to visit Alex's grandpa and Briton's great-grandpa Teef. Because I had last Monday off for President's Day, we decided that this four day weekend was a great time to make our venture to the good ol' Panhandle.

Alex lived in Scottsbluff until he was about six years old, so he had a lot of things from his childhood that he wanted to do/show me! Some of the things that we did were planned, but some of them were definitely not! These things included - driving by Alex's childhood home, visiting Grandpa Teef and other relatives, eating lunch at Scotty's, spending the night in one unforgettable motel, hiking the Scottsbluff National Mounument, enjoying some prime rib and German potato salad, meeting up with some old family friends, and taking a four generation Ehly men photo!

It was a fun weekend spent with family, and we were so happy to be able to spend some quality time with Grandpa Teef! Briton even did a great job in the 7.5 hour car ride each way!

A "Big Deal" in Scottsbluff!
Uncle Scott at Scotty's!

The view half-way up the monument!    

At the top!!!

Some of Grandpa Teef's great grandchildren!

Four Generations of Ehly Boys!

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